Curious How to Open up to Your Next Level?

Believe it or not… channeling might be a practice you aleady do. Yep, you already ARE a channel yourself!

This article breaks down exactly what is a channel, different ways to channel, AND how you can begin to channel (or strengthen your skills) right now to improve what shows up in your life (ie, to improve your manifestations).

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Melissa BordenComment
Earth & The Elements - Can They Really Help You Manifest?

Nature is one of the Greatest Teachers. Here’s how you can use the Nature that already surrounds you, to Manifest or “grow” anything you Desire.

If you clicked on this article, there is a good chance you’re drawn to all things nature. There’s also a good chance you are empathic (meaning: you may take on emotions from others) and you know that being IN nature helps you recharge.

You might even know

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