5 Ways to Protect Your Energy
I’ve been working with energy for awhile now, but I’ve only taken it seriously since about 2018. Before that I used to feel strange letting people know I was into energy work. I’d get deep into the science to “prove” it was real to myself. When I started to feel energy from practicing massage, I didn’t understand it. I would just notice I’d feel bad after being around someone grumpy, but that was about it. Then I started to be able to acurately sense how people were feeling, which seemed magical if not strange to me.
Since then, I started learning more about energy, and practicing with it daily. Now I know how easily we can (and do) effect our own energy. AND how important it is to be aware so we don’t carry or get weighed down with the energy of others.
I’m mentioning this so the ability to protect your own energy doesn’t feel too far off. Know that a few years ago it was a confusing world for me too. Learning about what energy boundaries were, I had NO idea that talking to somone could “leak” my own energy (what did that even mean!) there seemed to be a lot to it.
THANKFULLY it doesn’t have to be complicated. That’s what this article is for. To help you naivigate easily, so you can start protecting your energy right now. Resulting in you feeling more energetic, balanced, and happier.
“But wait. What is this energy?”
Probably an important place to start. If you already know? Scroll on down to #1.
This article is about the “subtle energy” of our bodies, also refered to as your chi! (chi is a chinse word meaning energy). If you break down what we are: we are a body made up of cells right? These cells are made up of molecules. What are Molecules? Atoms!… break atoms down and they are 99.99999% “empty space”. Except it’s not actually empty space. It’s energy. Meaning we ARE 99.99999% energy. And this energy can be felt.
It’s no wonder we feel each others moods so easily, or get effected from the news. We are literal bodies of energy.
An “empath” is someone who feels the moods and energy of others much stronger. But we all have this ability. It’s the way we are designed. Our energy and emotions are tightly linked. In fact, emotion = energy in motion. The “motion” is actually real movement, it is a very fast vibration. This is where the term “vibes” came from. It is referring to our unique energy vibration. The emotions we feel, will change how our energy vibrates.
“The emotions we feel, will change how our energy vibrates.”
Protecting our energy (vibration*) is vital. If we don’t, we unknowlingly either A) give our energy away to others, or B) we end up matching someone elses mood. This is why one bad encounter can ruin your whole day. Your energy body has held on to their energy. They also may have picked up some of your energy in the encounter. This results in us feeling exhausted, drained, irritable, you name it but it’s anything but happy.
So how do we speak with someone, or even walk down a busy sidewalk without picking up energy? How do we protect ours?
Let’s dive into 5 different ways…
1. Having Awareness
Awareness is a massive help in protecting our energy. When you notice a certain emotion that comes out of nowhere:
Pause and feel into it. Ask “is this mine”? If it is yours, it’s triggering you to learn something. But this article is for when it’s NOT yours: If there is no logical reason for you to be feeling different out of nowhere then:
Become aware that your amazing empathic/intuitive skills have noticed someone elses energy! Often you can tell because you’re feeling the emotions too. Being aware that it is not yours is half the battle to shifting it out. Once you let the mind know it is not for you, it will begin problem solving to figure out how to let it go. Perhaps that’s why you’re reading this page!
Confidently tell your mind that it is not yours, and you do not need to hold or carry it. Take a deep breath, and on the exhale imagine it as a grey color shifting out of your field* (*field being about a 3t circle around you, think of personal space bubble!). It really can be this simple.
2. The Heart Bubble
My favorite. Not only does it protect your energy, it helps fill the world with more love. Humans aren’t the only things that are 99.99999% energy. Everything is made up of energy and emits energy out. Even the air can hold on to energy.
Have you ever walked into a room and thought “ouu, it is tense… feels like someone had a fight” or even better: walked into a spa and felt instantly calmer just being in the room? This is because the emotions (energy or vibration) we feel emits into the air. How cool!
Any emotion you experience is emiting into the air around you. Knowing this we can tap into the feeling of love, on purpose, and send this out into our energy field* (personal bubble* think of Phoebe on Friends cleansing auras).
When we encounter someone who would normally drain our energy, we can consciously choose to radiate love. Not only does this automatically put up a strong healthy energetic boundary, meaning their energy cannot effect you, but the love vibration is likely to begin lifting up their vibtration as well.
This is DIFFERENT than directing the love straight to them and only to them. Instead imagine the energy of love floating around you as a protective barrier.
When we set the intention to consciously emit love out, it will help raise their vibration to match the frequency of love. (I used to imagine little green hearts from my heart center going out in all directions. Whatever you picture or feel is perfect).
If the person is not ready to be around this vibration frequency, they will likely choose to leave and find someone to be around who better matches their energy. This all happens through the subtle body and subconscious mind! So you never even have to vocalize that they were draining you (although I support speaking up). We are drawn towards vibrations that resonate similar our own. If you are choosing to vibrate at the frequency of love, someone being negative will not want to stick around. Even if they do stay, your energy will be protected.
3. Empowering Thoughts and Beliefs
Our thoughts are POWERFUL. Long term thoughts create our beliefs. These together control so much of what happens in our life. Luckily the mind LOVES to be told what to do. It is excellent at following directions, all we have to do is give it some.
Grab a journral and get specific on what you will no longer tolorate. This can look like:
I no longer tolerate allowing myself to get dragged down by others negativity
I no longer tolerate giving away my power and energy
I no longer tolerate having weak boundaries
Once we are clear on what we don’t want to tolerate, we come back to awareness. Everytime one of the above comes up for us, we can switch it by replacing it with whatever we DO want to experience. Now write out a few declarations and beliefs to give your mind a roadmap to follow. For example you might write something like:
I call my power back to me now and always
I only allow in energy that will clear my field and lift me up
My energy raises the vibration of others
I have healthy energetic boundaries
This part is up to you! Make it fun. What do you want to believe? What boundaries do you want?
Maybe you do want to feel into a lower vibration with a friend to support them, and that’s ok! There’s a reason we love sad songs and movies. Sometimes it feels good to feel these emotions and it’s healthy and normal to experience them all. If you do feel into someone else’s emotion, set the intention to bring back all of your energy afterwards. This will be helpful for both of you.
Whatever beliefs you’ve choosen, repeat them daily until you feel they are programmed in. Remember the mind loves to be directed and repetition can help.If you’d like help with this, schedule a PSYCH-K Session here.
4. Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the best emotions we can feel. It is what accelerates us to our happiest life. The love bubble (#2 in this list) may feel like it requires some practice. But gratitude is something we all know how to tap into right now. Think of something you are truly grateful for. Close your eyes, and spend 30 seconds feeling into how it feels to be grateful for this… Done! See how simple? You can make this easy by noticing things throughout your day that you can be grateful for.
When we live our lives from a place of gratitude, our energy field becomes stronger. Our vibration naturally raises. This means when we encounter a situation or person that would normally drain us, we don’t even need to think about our energy. It is already strong. Your healthy boundaries are up.
Feeling into gratitude as much as you can throughout your day will protect your energy AND help raise the vibrations of all around you.
Not sure if there’s anything to be grateful for? I get it. It happens and is normal. Just trying to look for something to be grateful for will still change the chemisty in your brain (facinating!). This is what strengthens your energy field! Remember thoughts create our reality.
Or more specific: thoughts influence our emotions which then changes our energy vibration helping to shape our reality.
“When we live our lives from a place of gratitude, our energy field becomes stronger. Our vibration naturally raises”
5. Saying No
Actual boundaries. Like many of us, you may have been taught it is impolite to say no. That putting your own needs last was what it meant to be a woman (or even human). Well no thank you to that. Saying no to something that you don’t have time for, or a desire to do, will be very helpful to protect your energy.
If we say yes to something wishing we hadn’t, not only will the actual task or event drain us, but likely we will have a list of unpleasant thoughts going through our minds. The stress from those thoughts will drain our energy even more. Whew. No thank you. Practice saying no. Work on strengthening your intuition to help you decide when it’s a good time to say yes versus no. Work on empowering yourself to speak up. If you are on this page? It is no mistake. You are a POWERFUL human who’s voice deserves to be heard. Even if it’s to say “no thanks I’d rather take a bath”. Then throw in a bath bomb and relax.
So how do we easily do all of the above without taking up our whole day?
You don’t need to do all 5 to protect your energy, choose what resonates with you the most. Trust your intuition. If you do want to strengthen all 5 areas: I HIGHLY recommend starting a meditation practice. The purpose of meditaiton is to get better at life. Meditation is to become more in tune with who we are, and develop more self love. This self love includes setting energy boundaries.
Meditation will automatically strenthen your awareness. It calms the mind and allows for better focus. This lets us know immediately when we feel someone elses energy, so we can choose to separate before it effects us.
Meditation helps you become more intune with your energy field. The love bubble will become second nature after awhile. Allowing you to quickly put up boundaries when you need (plus its fun!). Meditation also gives you space to clear negative or overactive thoughts so you can focus on exactly what you want. Then gratitude becomes second nature as well.
The more we meditate, the more we come to the truth of who we are and the EASIER it is to stand up for what we do want. To show up confidently. So you’ll have no problem saying no to that extra work task that shouldn’t be yours, or no to a draining conversation. You’ll take your power back and your days will become more joyful by default. And again, gratitude will start to come naturally.
There are TONS of resources for meditation. One option is to learn with me on this easy peasy Five Day Meditation Class (recommended) that will guide you how to get the most from your meditation in as little time as possible. Or find another teacher or class you resonate with! Just get meditating.
Now that you know what to do to protect your energy, you may be thinking: “That’s all great but what if I’m ALREADY drained/exausted/irritable?”
If you are already feeling the effects of someone else’s energy here are a few of my top tips:
Get in nature. Just like we each hold a unique vibration, so does everything in nature! The vibration of trees, the ocean, rain, it all has a healing energy that will clear your field and raise your vibration. You can even hangout with a houseplant.
Selenite. I used to be suspicious if crystals really worked. They DO. Just like trees have a vibration, so does each crystal. Selenite vibrates at a frequency that clears energy. When you use it: set the intention for it to clear your energy. Then run it down your arms, legs, across bottoms of feet, rest it over heart area, wipe it over the top of your head (to clear thoughts) wherever you are drawn to do.
Energy work.This can be Reiki, Acupuncure, yoga, qigong... Sound therapy works great too! My favorite free playlist is this one. I also listen to these healing frequencies a few times a week (I am actually listening to them right now!).
All of this is super helpful to restore your energy which results in a happy/relaxed state. If you’d like an Intuitive Reading along with Reiki so that you can set energy boundaries unique to your best interests, schedule here.
It is amazing to be able to feel others energies. I remember feeling frustrated though, especially when I couldn’t figure out how to let go of negative energy. If you feel that way, I get it. It gets easier and more natural the more we bring our awareness to it. Remember a deep breath is sometimes all it takes to let it go. Feeling energy can be a very useful tool! For example you’re naturally an amazing judge of character. There are SO many perks we could go into.
Let me know below what your favorite perk is. What are you grateful for?
Post what your biggest take away from this was and which one you plan to try…
Grateful to you. Grateful for your energy gifts. Grateful grateful.
Extra grateful to my friend Megan for inspiring me to write on this topic 💙