Naturally Vibrant. A letter from Spring.
To feel balanced we must look at what we are planting. Is it kindness, is it love?
As a part of nature, we are seasonal beings.
Even if we live in the tropics, our nature is to cycle through different emotions, and periods of rest vs output. So where are we right now? How can we harness that innate desire in us to be cyclical?
By tapping into the nature and power of the season.
Known for renewal. Revival. To arise from the dark and start to look towards the light. Maybe literally as we get more vitamin D from the sun and leave our Seasonal affective disorder in the rearview mirror. But also figuratively:
In Winter, we learned how important rest is. Taking a break and quieting the mind, this is imperative to allow new ideas, new energy and new growth to happen.
Imagine if you worked out heavily and NEVER had a rest day. Would you continue to build strength? Or would you become fatigued and injured?
Or, if we we work out WITH rest days and down time. Do you come back stronger and more energized? It allow our muscles to grow in a healthy sustainable way. — It is the same with other areas of our lives. Emotional, intellectual, our passions, our careers, our desires to connect to others. ALL of these benefit when we allow ourselves rest. Naturally this is our Winter.
And then comes spring. A RENEWED energy. A natural vibrancy and desire to do more with your life. To play more, to build more (treehouses for the kids, a garden for your family, or a business for your community…). To connect more.
You may have this urge that there is something more to life. Like you know there must be more but maybe you’re not quite sure what. In this case: it could be that you didn’t rest as much as your body & mind would have liked.
If so, that’s ok. It is hard to actually get rest in with the demands of life. So many of us are feeling burned out and too overwhelmed to function. If that’s you, you’re not alone.
To combate this we can still have pockets of rest now by embracing the beauty of spring. Become more present to all around you. As you do get more present in the moment, relax into it. This creates space to allow your creative mind to come to the surface.
When we talk about following our intuition…
It is simple yet not always easy. What makes it easier, is coming into the moment.
Getting present with where you are now, and from there, take one small step towards what you feel most drawn to. This is the real beauty of spring. The small steps. We aren’t in a hectic outpouring of energy, or rushing to finish things up, or even the “harvest” season where we see all our rewards. We are in spring. Planting, and some cultivating. Slow and steady.
For nature → pop those tomatoes in pots and sprinkle the wildflower seeds. Easy.
For us → We get to decide what we plant in our lives, what do we want to be harvesting later on? Aka What kind of life do we really want? Are our daily actions taking us closer to it? Or further away…
Our mind and the way we think, determine our reality. One way or another this is true. So are you planting kind thoughts on a daily basis? Are you building yourself up?
Or is a negative mindset taking over and making you feel not good enough? Maybe you feel like there isn’t enough time for all you “need” to do, or feel like there is not enough time to rest.
Even for a few minutes a day, rest is important to allow stress to fall away, and our intuitive mind will begin to heighten after we’ve cleared excess stress (learn how to clear the stress here). Once we start to hear feedback from our intuition we can use the natural motivation of spring to take one step at a time in that direction. To recognize intuition: it is a guidance that comes from a steady peaceful place, versus feeling guided by fear or anxiety.
Intuitively guided, and/or consciously choosing. Both are GREAT routes to go and no doubt will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.
“Spring is not only about renewal but upliftment. Coming back to our joy. To ourselves in a grounded way.”
What about when we do get enough rest?
Likely then you’re already feeling more vibrant! Perhaps your intuition was giving your creative and inspiring ideas over the downtime. If so, now would be the time to take action on them. Be mindful of what you are planting (your goals and intentions) and how you are cultivating (what are your daily habits, do they keep you inspired? Are they actively leading you towards or away from the life you want?)
Spring is not only about renewal but UPLIFTMENT. Coming back to our joy. To ourselves in a grounded way.
If spring had a message it would be this:
Even in the beginning stages, even if life doesn't look put together, or things aren’t where you’d like them to be yet…
You are enough. And you absolutely can have any kind of life that you want. We are here to experience an array of emotions. No doubt. But we can experience the rainbow of emotions and still cultivate a beautiful life. We can experience sadness or frustrations, stomach butterflies and nerves from time to time and still be able to hold ourselves with such love and compassion. To show up everyday from a grounded and happy place.
Whole. Balanced. To feel balanced we must look at what we are planting. Is it kindness, is it love, is it healthy connection and movement?
Or is it chaos and struggle. Is it disconnection. Is it anxiety?
If you choose, your homework from this article is to look at all you are cultivating in your life.
Examine if it is bringing you towards the life you want to have.
What does your most vibrant, happy, energized and passionate self look like?
If you’d like help in the process to look at what it means to be balanced for your unique self, and to fully heal the parts of you that are keeping you from feeling balanced and vibrant. Reach out.
You’re also invited to a Free workshop to learn to Manifest exactly the life you desire. This will be March 6th 2024. You can register here ❤️
Spring is a lovely time to plant and cultivate. Let’s cultivate a more fulfilling and happy life.
Let me know what you are “planting” in your life this season in the comments!
What season is your favorite and why are you drawn to it?