The Spirit of the Wolf and Healing
Wolves don’t live by the rules
This is from one of my favorite songs and fitting for 2020 and 2021 as things shift for us. What we know as “normal” has changed. Our “rules”, so to speak, are changing.
Wolves have been my spirit animal for longer than I’ve known what a spirit animal was…
But that’s the thing with our guides, they are there whether we know about them or not. They love us and hold space. They are there for us unconditionally.
Wolves in particular are here to show us our strength, to show us how to connect with our instincts and to guide us on how to heal...
My favorite Spirit Animal site says wolves are “a call to live your life more freely, to bring the intensity of passion in your everyday endeavors”
“Bring the intensity of passion into your everyday endeavors”
I don’t believe this is just for me, I feel guided (maybe by the spirit of the wolves?) to share this because as we finish up 2020 and head into next year… The INTENSITY of passion into your everyday endeavors is more important than ever.
“Ok cool Mel, but why?
When we follow our passions, whether this is taking a nap, hiding in the bathroom from the kids to breathe for a minute, enrolling in a course that's scary, starting to write a book, painting, or putting on a face mask and some spa music... When we do ANYTHING that we feel drawn to in the moment…
We begin to heal. 2020 has shown us more than ever that we need to heal.
Your body and spirit know how to do this naturally.
We all have trauma, we all have pain. We all are working through things to figure out how to be happy and fulfilled. Are we not?
Not sure about you, but I don’t think we are meant to live our whole lives miserable. Part of it? Yes, because we learn, we grow, we heal, we evolve.
Our spirit expands. Our kindness and compassion then expands.
Our pain has purpose.
But healing and being able to feel joy is also your purpose.
How to heal emotional trauma is a passion of mine. Lord knows I have plenty to work through so I am in this with you too.
Back to our friend the wolf, as a spirit animal and guidance for healing...
Photo is by Sean while we were at Predators of the Heart
Tonight I thought of making cookies but then was like “hmm probably shouldn’t”
Then I starting to feel lethargic, and a little sad. (a sign we haven't followed a passion)
THEN I remembered I teach to follow the “next most exciting thing” (aka your passions big or small). What sounded fun or “exciting” to me was making cookies. So I made cookies.
You may be thinking “suspicious… cookies are not healing.”
GUYS I have never been happier than when I was making those cookies. I felt so much unexpected gratitude because I realized that letting myself make cookies IS SUCH A HUGE HEALING for me. I spent a large portion of my youth anorexic. This may sound surprising if you know me because you know I can eat more cookies than the cookie monster.
But this is likely because I restricted myself for so long.
Tonight my soul told me to make cookies, I thought it was weird but I did it... It led a grateful epiphany about how far I’ve come with my healing. And then I heard the wolf song for the first time (linked below) Which was the spirit animal getting in touch to tell me to share. Now I am here sharing with you how to heal yourself.
All this to show that even the most simple or random things you are guided to do (i.e. make cookies) Will have meaning for you if you open up the space to listen.
It’s so simple. Do what you are drawn to do, every day.
Simple, yes. Easy? It gets there I promise.
When we follow simple things we are drawn to OUR SOUL begins to guide us to how to heal. To heal from the stress of the day, from the week, from our childhood trauma, and everything in between.
We all need different things. Listening to your soul and your own guidance is the easiest way to access what is right for you, letting you skip trial and error. Our guides are waiting there lovingly to help us, to nudge us towards the next best thing.
This isn’t about how intuitive you are. Am I more intuitive than others? Maybe.. Am I less intuitive than others? Yep.
What is this intuitive stuff anyway?
It’s your connection to Spirit. (ps. you're connected right now or you wouldn't be reading this) To God, To however you want to word it. The Universe. And it guides you everyday.
To freedom. To happiness.
Do I believe everyone has access to their intuitive guidance? Absolutely.
I also 100% know part of my purpose is to share that knowledge. (If you want help following this guidance… this is for you. )
Back to our beautiful friends the wolves. Wolves don’t live by the rules.
I didn’t live by the rules this year, (or most of life hah) I'm talking about society constraints though. Yes, I stayed quarantined haha, but I broke out of so many limiting beliefs of who I "should" be and how I "should" work and share things.
Including this letter to you. I overcame a lot of beliefs before I was able to share anything. Now It's my favorite thing. Clearing old beliefs is freeing. Following your intuition is freeing. Both help you come back to your natural state. Which is joy, happiness, and freedom to be unapologetically you.
“Wolf spirit animals point to an appetite for freedom and living life powerfully, guided by instincts”
If it suits you: give up living by the rules of others. Figure out what is best for you… follow your own guidance.
“Wolf spirit animals point to an appetite for freedom and living life powerfully, guided by instincts”
If the above this isn’t me, wow, what is haha. My mother used to say I followed the beat of my own drum.
I’ve lived a life of freedom through travel, and now I’m stepping into living life more powerfully. Fully Guided by my instincts.
Kimba does this now with her arm!! I love animals
If you are here, this far down. Your guidance has brought you here. Either to trigger you because you don’t agree, (and our triggers are there to show us a part that needs healing.) Or maybe it really resonates with you, and you know you aren’t alone.
Maybe you are here because you needed a reminder to follow what you are passionate about.
Our “passions” leads us to ways to restore our energy, and to heal from our own insecurites and traumas. This doesn’t mean you have do it all alone. Maybe you are drawn to try Reiki with a practitioner.
This is another symbol of the wolf. How important authentic community and connection can be.
Do what you are drawn to in the moment. What is it that is most exciting or nourishing thing to you right now?
So simple. Yet So hard…
Let your natural guidance help you.
The wolf is a reminder to trust your intuition, and to keep your spirit wild and alive in a way that is best for you. (wild like a cheeta as Glennon would say)
Does this resonate with you? The wolf may not be your main spirit animal, but it is with a lot of us as we shift into the next year.
Do you feel connected to a certain spirit animal?
Often when I hold Reiki sessions I will share the animal that is coming through for a client. We all have animals who support us throughout our lives… But wolves have been by my side the whole ride and I could not be more grateful for their support.
As I write this… I’m listening to “Wolves Don’t Live by the Rules” By Elisapie (it’s beautiful)
I’m sitting with my heart full of gratitude at how beautiful life can be, especially when we experience such rough beginnings or moments, and I am hoping that some of that gratitude and beauty is shared with you.
Let me know what animals are you drawn to lately? What is your spirit animal?
PS. Along with guiding us on how to heal ourselves, Wolves even heal our earth. Watch this fascinating and heart warming short video of how the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone has changed the park for the better. Sean showed me this clip last night and I LOVE it. ❤ Let me know what you think.