Why you may want to try Reiki...
The practice that might change your life.
What is it. Why do it? Read on to find out…
You’ve heard of reiki in passing, maybe even tried it unsure what it was all about.
Or maybe you go monthly and love it! Either way, I felt inspired to share a little about what is reiki, why is it actually so fantastic… and just what happens inside a reiki session?
I am so glad you’re here to join me.
Reiki is special practice. The word Reiki is from Japan, Rei- meaning universal or life force, and ki- meaning energy.
Reiki itself is a channeled energy, of a pure and high vibraition. I think of it as the vibration, or frequency, of love. Pure, unbiased, unconditional love. Love of the highest form.
Let’s back up a step though, to understand that if you look at our bodies beyond the cellular level: we are all vibrating at our own unique frequencies. We are made of energy. If you are feeling depressed: your energy may be vibrating quite low, leading you to feel heavy, lethargic, unmotivated. If you are anxious you may have a scattered high (unstable) energy that can feel frantic and nervous a lot. There are so many other places in between where our energy can land based on our mood, and more importantly: How much stress and what kind, are we carrying?
In contrast. If you feel balanced, whole, at peace and happy. Your vibration will natrually balance out at the frequency of love. The frequency of reiki.
If you aren’t feeling balanced, whole, at peace and happy. Recieving reiki allows anything in your energy feild that isn’t of the love frequency, to fall away and be replaced with the more balanced love energy. This means, if you are carrying stress, or you are empathic and hold onto other peoples problems and stress, reiki can help you let all of this go, and better yet: replace it with a high vibration of love and peace. This is why people so often report feeling relaxed, at peace, rested, happy, the list goes on… after a reiki session.
How does this work?
When you work with a practitioner (or can channel reiki for yourself), they are channeling the univeral energy for you. Meaning you aren’t recieving *their* energy, but instead the universal energy. The frequency of pure love. Going through a Reiki certification class will attune you to this frequencey and make it easier to channel. However, it is accesible to everyone. (Ps. you can learn the basics of self reiki here) Once you learn to channel this energy, you can learn to direct it and focus for specific issues, such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, overhthinking, self esteem issues, relationship blocks, or even to help with improving your own reiki skills such as intuition.
One reason reiki is so healing, is simply because we cannot, I’ll say it again, we cannot heal if we are in a state of stress. If our body is in a state of stress, it means our sympathetic nervous system is on overdrive and we are in fight or flight. To our bodies… this means “we may be chased by a tiger! Who care’s about healing the headache or the autoimmune disease… we need our resourses to be looking for danger” and healing gets pushed to the back burner.
Nearly 80% of doctor visits are due to an underlying cause of stress. What does this have to do with reiki? Receiving reiki allows your body to relax. Really relax. It pulls you out of the sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight/freeze) and puts you into parasympathetic nervous system (rest, digest, and heal). When we are in parasympatheic nervous system, our bodies and brains are no longer looking for danger, or the next terrible thing. Instead: you begin to feel happier, more at peace, relaxed. Real relaxation, not relaxed as in sitting down for a minute to “relax” while your brain comes up with lists of things you should be doing instead.
I’m talking about a deep soothing type of relaxation. One I’d love for you to experience. Once we are in this state of relaxation, our bodies begin to heal naturally. This is why studies have shown reiki reduces pain, can allieviate anxiety, depression, and there are even studies where reiki is showed to benefit those with cancer. Reiki allows our bodies to heal, naturally. Plus there is the bonus that it feels fantastic to receive.
So what exactly happens in a reiki session?
I can’t speak for every practioner, but here is what is likely to happen. Your first (and possibly every) session will begin with a regular intake, just like any other wellness appointment. Your practitoner may ask how familiar you are with the practice, explain and answer questions for you, and then chat about what you’d like to focus on and explain if there are options for you given their range of energy work skills. There is no wrong way to attend a reiki appointment, if you have questions, ask! Even to me at the bottom of this page. Ask away!
Reiki is done over clothes, often while you’re lying but the position doesn’t matter if you’re more comfortable sitting. Since our energy body extends ourside of our physical body, reiki is often done hands off, but you may feel light touch throughout if you are having an in person session instead of Distance (Zoom). Often it can be helpful for the person receiving to focus on their breath or the music to start to relax a bit, or close their eyes to prep for a great nap. There is no wrong way, but trying to relax during will enhance your ability to feel the energy shift around your body which may be a fun experience!
There are a lot of ways that a reiki session can go, and this is unique per practitioner and per person. Everyones energy is different therefore the focus is likly to shift to match your exact needs. This could be anything from focused on clearing mental and emotional stress or blocks, to restoring the physcial body, to a scan through the chakra sysyem to see what is your priority to heal. You are unique, as will your reiki session be.
There are many benefits to recieving reiki at a distance, such as maintaining a stronger energy boundary to ensure you do not pick up energy from another patron or your practitioner, especially if you aren’t sure how well the practitioner cares for their own energy. Often people are able to relax easier in their own home or bed, or might prefer to be at the beach or in a hammock! If you are at home, you have the perk of not needing to drive afterwards which is nice as well. Zoom appointments can be a great option and distance healing works just as easily as in person. To learn the details of how exactly this works, I encourage you to take a reiki class! They are a lot of fun, very beneficial to your own health and in Level 2 you’ll learn exactly how to do distance healing. For now: distance healing is a way to work with someones energy field no matter where they are, very similar to the way you would in person, with equal benefit. May sound difficult but it is quite easy!
Curious to try a reiki session? Mention this article and recieve $50 off as a gift when scheduling. (includes for my returning clients!) I’d love for you to experience the healing and happiness you deserve.
Schedule here, or contact me through here.
What are your thoughts on Reiki? Have you tried before?
Share below I would love to hear!