The Happiness Diet
How Food Affects Your Mood…
Cookies are great, that’s no debate. But are they worth it?
If you decide to skip them, Here’s how to kick the habit.
Food and your mood. We know it’s linked. 50 years ago it was a different story, but now we have science backing up what we know in our gut (pun intended) to be true.
Food really does affect your mood.
Once upon a time I was headed towards a career in food nutrition, I wanted to help people eliminate processed food from their diet to feel better physically and mentally. Somewhere along the way I became a Reiki Teacher instead, and while I’m thrilled with this and still get to help people to feel better, I can’t seem to drop the desire to share with my clients and students how important their food choices are.
Of course everyone is affected by food differently, but chances are if you are on this page, then you know food is affecting you and you are ready to make some changes to your diet.
Part 1. Why Change?
Depression, anxiety, and ADHD are on the rise. It is no surprise that this matches the rise in how much processed (ie. packaged, full of preservatives & sugar) foods we are eating.
While there is also a rise in how much time we spend with our faces in screens (so grateful you’ve chosen your screen time to be this 💚) and a decline in connecting with friends, family, and nature. Food may still be one of our biggest contributors to depression.
Our brain and body cannot function well without proper nutrition. What’s more… sugar is known to be 8 times more addictive than cocaine. 8 times. One of the main withdrawal symptoms of sugar is a drop in Dopamine* (*your natural happy high). Leading to depression. This is why we will reach for a sweet after a bad day… but we also reach for a sweet to celebrate, because our body KNOWS it will get a better dopamine high.
Sugar is also directly linked to ADHD symptoms, anxiety, depression, and more. Plus sugar affects our hormones leading us to store fat, and possibly even affecting our ability to become pregnant.
What makes cutting out sugar hard… aside from it being more addictive than cocaine, is that another withdrawal symptom is: depression! To avoid feeling this, our subconscious mind knows it will get a dopamine boost from sugar, and so you crave it. Or worse get flu like symptoms, often termed the keto flu, which is complete with cravings same as any other drug detox.
“Sugar is 8 times more addictive than Cocaine.”
It may seem like a losing battle but here’s where it gets good:
Our mood, and our energy levels begin to go up, way up, JUST by getting enough of the good stuff in.
While I do suggest to some (& even for myself) to cut out processed sugar completely, for most people just getting enough of the good stuff in, is enough to restore your serotonin levels, allow your anxiety to dissipate, and for more dopamine to start coming in from looking at a sunset, your child, your partner, and even from a delicious salad, dinner or smoothie! Because when you have balanced nutrition, you will naturally feel more joy. Studies show that when depression lifts we actually see colors brighter, sounds sharper, taste things more vividly. Life actually becomes more vibrant.
Just from the right food.
And if you are a Reiki Practitioner or in a Creative Role? Your intuition will be SHARPER and clearer the cleaner your diet.
Regardless of your profession. A clean diet = a clear mind = a happier quality of life.
Part 2. The Happiness Diet.
So what do we eat to get that natural happy high?
Google can be an overwhelming place to look for the answer. But here is my take.
After struggling with anorexia, binge eating, then studying nutrition and being happy on a high fruit & vegetable diet. Then moving to a colder climate where mango didn’t make sense so I swapped it for lentils… which shifted to pasta (and cookies). Then fell back into depression (seems impossible on a life of pasta, I know). I’ve learned that simple really is the best:
Whole foods. Mostly plants, and fitting for your environment and season.
Meaning… if you are in the arctic perhaps hot soup is better for you than a frozen pineapple smoothie. And if you are on the equator, nothing is more hydrating and nutrient dense for you than raw fruits and veggies. Your climate matters, your body type matters, your goal (mental clarity, weight loss, fertility) can even matter!
The best food program I’ve found to date, which covers it all and is one that doesn’t actually promote “dieting”, in fact they want you to eat as much as you feel hungry for: is Wildfit. (Ps. even though you won’t feel hungry, you will still shed extra weight). Wildfit is what my intuition was pushing me towards for 2 years before I finally tried it with a friend.
Life changing doesn’t begin to describe it. Wildfit is not just about the food, it’s about the psychology behind eating, why we choose what we do, how to easily shift to eat intuitively for what is best for us, and how to eat seasonally (my favorite part).
This ensures you get maximum nutrition (goodbye depression), and can keep steady high energy throughout the year.
I’ll be honest. I used to eat a package of oreos quicker than it would take most people to pour a glass of water. Since Wildfit? I no longer even see oreos as food… it just doesn’t sound good to me. In fact I haven’t had one since. Don’t get me wrong, I still love sweet things! But as far as processed foods go… Wildfit completely transformed my way of eating for the better within 3 months. If you decide to try them out through this link… I’ll even gift you a full coaching session* with me to ensure you are starting off in the best way possible. Because the more people living a happy and healthy life, means we are that much closer to happier and healthier world.
Want to try the first two weeks before you commit to the full program? June 3rd (2024!) Wildfit is hosting a group challenge for only $27! You can register right here. And if you decide to go the full 90 days — I’ll be right along with you AND you’ll get that free Coaching Session ❤️
Message here to let me know you’re registered to schedule your coaching!
You are worth feeling good, you are worth feeling energized. You are worth feeling healthy and vibrant! Sign up here to try for just 2 weeks. You’ll be able to see why they have the highest success rate of any food program. ❤️
Meanwhile? Drink your water. Add MORE veggies into whatever your meals are, and opt for whole natural foods over packaged. Think Grilled Salmon Salads, Vegetable Stirfrys, Roasted Brussel Sprouts, or Sweet Potato Wedges! And if you’re lucky, maybe even some wild blueberries.
The more real foods, the better your body and your mind will feel.
PS. Share this with a friend who has been looking to improve their health.
Pps. This post contains affiliate links, I may recieve commision from some of the links. I whole heartedly belive in the products I promote and that they can help you live a healthier and happier life.