“Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds, and thus our lives...”
“Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds, and thus our lives...”
The most profound healing modality I’ve ever discovered.
PSYCH-K is an easy and quick way to effectively change your subconscious beliefs. For good.
There are a range of reasons. PSYCH-K is an excellent modality for everything from healing from depression and anxiety, to building confidence and communication skills, to mastering new habits, hobbies or skills!
It was designed to get you unstuck, resulting in you feeling more in flow with life and happy with who you are, and allow you to actually enjoy life. If you feel like something is off, or things could be better, PSYCH-K is for you.
Super simple. PSYCH-K often referred to as the “Key to your soul” also stands for “Psychology and Kinesiology”. (*Kinesiolgy = the study of movement)
Meaning you can affect your psychology, with simple kinesthetic (aka body) movememts. PSYCH-K utilizes over 10 different ways to “Balance” your subconscious mind. Depending on your focus you may work through different balances, each done with simple body placements. Your facilitator on Zoom or in person will guide you through the process. It is quite simple, and fun!
Typically (although not always) the balance will result in a cross over pattern (left to right) which results in what is known as a whole brain state. This allows a new neuropathway to imprint resulting in your new subconscious belief. Each new belief takes anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes. Super fast and effective.
Our entire lives are shaped by our subconscious beliefs. Around 95% of our day is dictated by subconscious actions and thoughts. This means if you are stuck in a rut, feeling depressed, or just can’t quite get to the level you want to in work, love, or life… Likely there is a subconscious belief holding you back. Or in the very least: slowing down and complicating your progress.
What we believe. We recieve. It’s as simple as that. Do you believe you are deserving of a loving relationship? Or is your subconscious on autopilot mimicking a bad relationship you witnessed as a child? There is never anything wrong with us. In fact, if you are on autopilot repeating behaviors and patters you want to change, you are actually operating exactly as the brain is designed! Well done. AND. It’s great to upgrade whatever beliefs are running.
When our subconscious beliefs are in alignment with what we want in life, and support us in loving and respecting ourselves, life becomes easier. Challenges become managable, you’ll start to feel more grateful, energized, and vibrant. As if things are in flow. Because when your subconscious mind is supporting you to experience good in your life. Good will not only by default be attracted to you, but your mind will begin to notice it more.
Another way to look at why it is so effective: When we say an affermation, or repeat something we want consciously such as “I am healthy, I am open to love, I trust myelf” etc… We might change our vibration in the moment, but it won’t stay changed for long.
Remember 95% of your day is run subconsciously. If you are doing affermations, this might be less than 1% of that 5% left!
However, what you believe subconsciously, is what affects your core vibration. If you look at what you are manifesting in your life, it is really about what is your core vibration in alighment with? Each subconscious belief will raise your vibration. It will bring you more in alignment with the most loving and deserving you there is. When our subconscious beliefs shift towards more positive. Our energy (vibration) will immediatly shift to be higher. Resulting in feeling more balanced, happy, and at peace, and attracting things, and people that match this vibration.
While PSYCH-K does result in changes to your subconscious beliefs. It does not change the essence of who you are. Instead, it is more of an uncovering. Meaning that throughout our lives as we pick up stress, limiting beliefs, traumas, and poor habits, these things create sort of a shadow over who we are. Resulting in feeling “stuck”, insecure, or depressed by the literal weight of traumas sitting in our energy field.
Each PSYCH-K balnce is designed to bring you more towards your whole happy self. Whatever that looks like for you. As the name suggests. It brings you into a “balanced state”. You are 100% in control through the whole process and it is designed to let you shine through. It doesn’t change you per se. It helps you be more you. Joyfully.
A unique type of change that allows you to easily become the best version of you. The happiest version.
Typically a first session will result in using the New Direction Balance or the Trauma balance, but just as you are unique, so is every single PSYCH-K session. Browse below to get an idea of what balances are available for you.
The greatest thing about PSYCH-K is every balance must be in alignment with your highest good, or it will not work. Each Facilitator follows a specific balance process to ensure you get the best balances available to you. More questions? Reach out!
If one stands out to you mention if you’d like to try it!
We always go by what is recommended in the balance process (never doing a balance that doesn’t support your highest good) however, often we can focus on one of these balances in your session if you’d like.
The best of the best. This balance often comes up frequently as it is so easy and quick to use. It is used for imprinting a new subconscious belief statement.
Have affermations you are working on? Perfect! We can imprint those.
Otherwise after a few minutes chatting your Facilitator can help you come up with unique balances just for you.
Likely the most fun.
This balance also works with imprinting a new subconscious belief statement, but just with different body movements.
Technically called: Transformation of the Perception of a Stressful Situation - Past, Present, or Future
I call this the trauma balance as it is GREAT for any traumatic situation. Often resulting in you remembering the situation but without the emotional attachment to it.
It can be life changing, and ripple effect other areas as well.
As the name suggets. This 1 balance covers multiple excellent core beliefs that can result in deeper self love, sense of connection, forgiveness and more.
It is excellent if there are multiple areas to cover and you’d like to see widespread shifts immediately.
The Rapport Balance.
One of my favorites and a must for anyone in the service industry, or in a leadership or teaching position.
It is even useful for anyone wanting to connect deeper with a loved one.
The rapport balance allows you to improve your communication skills and easily build and break rapport when needed. Creating deeper connections and more joyful and easy interactions.
Possibly best for those already familiar with at least one PSYCH-K session, although it can come up at any time!
This balance is deeply impactful at releasing “the truama of birth” and the “fear of death” along with a great deal of stress we’ve picked up in between.
This balance is fantastic and can be liberating if you’ve been experiencing fear and anxiety.
This balance is excellent to deepen a bond in any relationship allowing them to transform any issues that are blocking connection.
The result of this balance is “a whole brain state whenever one sees, hears, or feels, the presence of the other person”
This can be for someone you want to connect deeper with, or someone you’d like to find peace in yourself with.
My favorite! This balance uses your subconscious mind and higher self to direct us to the balances or answers you are seeking.
For example, if you have a physical injury we would inquire if there is an emotional root cause and help the healing process in this way.